Saturday, December 22, 2007

Spicy Lamb Curry (Tongseng)

Tongseng is a kind of Gulai or curry but using more hot and spicy herbs. The most difference is, unlike Gulai, Tongseng usually is using young lamb meat, not beef or chicken. And as a food specialty from Solo, Central Java - but you can also meet the vendor of Tongseng with gerobak in Jakarta - Tongseng usually is trade accompanied with satay and served with ketupat (rice stuffed in coconut leaves) or nasi (rice).


1 kg young lamb meat

1/4 kg cabbage, sliced

2 tomatoes, sliced

180 ml coconut milk

1 sachet of instant bumbu gulai (Gulai or curry seasoning)

2 kaffir lime leaves (daun jeruk)

1 bruised lemongrass (daun sereh)

3 cloves of garlic, chopped

4 cloves of shallot, chopped

5 red pepper

2 teaspoon pepper powder

2 tablespoon soy sauce

1,5 l water

3 tablespoon of cooking oil

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sugar

How to make it:

1. Boiled water, put the lamb into.

2. Add seasoning instant bumbu gulai, leave for a while until it absorb perfectly to the flesh.

3. Add coconut milk, lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves.

4. Cooked the lamb until tenderly. Now we have a pan of gulai. Put a side.

5. Then, to make tongseng, stir fry shallot and garlic with cooking oil for a while. Put the gulai into it.

6. Add soy sauce, pepper powder, salt, sugar, red pepper, cabbage and tomato.

7. Serve warm with ketupat or nasi.

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